***** 5 out of 5
What were the circumstances that caused you to look for a financial adviser?
I sought advice from Daren 10 years ago because I was concerned that my portfolio was not being actively managed by my existing adviser.
How did Daren help you?
Daren confirmed that my portfolio had been mis-managed for some years and that I had been paying excessive hidden fees. He moved everything into a platform in a tax-efficient way and explained all costs, risks and potential rewards very clearly. He has continued to actively manage my investments as well as advise on my pension, personal and business taxation and property holdings.
Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?
100%. Daren has been able to balance the performance of my portfolio (which is considerable better than when he took over) with using it to achieve my personal goals. His advice is clear, accessible and jargon-free and backed by flawless service from the whole Ginkgo team.
What could they have done better?